
ALES goes visual

Published: 2024-07-15

Visual abstracts, also called “graphical abstracts” or “infographics”, are images that summarize the essential information of manuscripts, providing an easily and expeditive understood overview of study findings at a glance. They are eye-catching pictural representations that complement the written abstract and effectively convey information of research; this new form will be well-appreciated by readers who may not have the time to read through the entire research project. Memorization and retention of portrayed data have been reported to be better than those obtained from words, the so-called “picture superiority effect”. Visual or graphical abstracts are particularly well adapted to social media platforms and as such will increase the visibility, and therefore the diffusion, of your work.

We will be asking authors to compose a visual or graphical abstract for all manuscripts that are accepted for publication in Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery. The request will not be mandatory but on a voluntary basis. We are sure that all potential authors will readily uptake the endeavor, understanding that this adjunct is an attractive tool that adds value to the publication.

Some journals provide guidelines for the composition, with different templates, often based on the type of study (comparative, non-comparative, cohort, case-control, randomized, systematic review, meta-analysis…); we will leave this open to the discretion of the author, with the idea of stimulated innovation and diversity in the format rather than a strict harness for this new vehicle of information. All we ask is that it be complete, including the title, a pictural representation to convey each key point of the article (incorporating methods and results), topped by a sentence to summarize (conclude) the message, all less than a half of page in size. We will add the full citation (title, authors and the reference with the corresponding URL and DOI).

A template can be downloaded at ALES Visual Abstract Template.

ALES Visual Abstract Template


Minhua Zheng & Abe Fingerhut
Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery