This series on “Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery” is edited by M. Mahir Ozmen, Department of Surgery, Istinye University School of Medicine, Liv Hospital Ankara, Ankara, Turkey.
Present series includes all recognised available standard techniques and theirmodifications in bariatric surgery starting from gastric banding to more complex procedures like duodenal switch. Direct issues related to bariatric surgery like enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and weight regain after surgery were also included. We have a special chapter on metabolic effects of bariatric surgery on type 2 diabetes and all effects were discussed in details. Andominal wall surgery in bariatric patients also discussed in details by Morales Conde in this special series.
What is new in bariatric and metabolic surgery
Definitions and current indications for obesity and metabolic surgery
Preoperative evaluation of the morbidly obese patients for bariatric surgery
Enhanced recovery after surgery in bariatric and metabolic surgery
Adjustable gastric banding
Sleeve gastrectomy and its modifications
R-Y gastric bypass and its modifications
Mini gastric by-pass and bridged mini gastric by-pass: what is new?
Single anastomosis duodenal switch: a novel procedure for obesity and metabolic surgery
The metabolic effects of surgery in type 2 diabetes
Weight regain after bariatric surgery
Abdominal wall surgery in bariatric patients
AB001. OP-1 Tardive dyskinesia seen after sleeve gastrectomy
AB002. OP-2 Comparison of Magenstrasse and Mill gastroplasty and sleeve gastrectomy techniques as an experimental study on rabbits
AB003. OP-3 The efficacy of bariatric surgery in a HIV (+) and type 2 diabetic patient
AB004. OP-4 Do complications end the effectiveness of sleeve gastrectomy?
AB005. OP-5 A new approach in bariatric operations: bridged mini gastric bypass is rabbit model suitable for an experimental study?
AB006. OP-6 Optimal image providing in metabolic surgery
AB007. OP-7 The knowledge, attitude, and behavioral levels of 5th and 6th grade medical students on obesity, bariatric and metabolic surgery: a survey study
AB008. OP-8 The relationship between smoking and body fat percentage of obese individuals before laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
AB009. OP-9 Correlation between meal frequency and body mass index of obese individuals before laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
AB010. OP-10 Gastroesophageal reflux disease after sleeve gastrectomy—incidence and effectiveness of technical modifications
AB011. OP-11 Unexplained abdominal pain after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: porto-mesenteric venosus thrombosis
AB012. OP-12 Revision surgery experience in patients with sleeve gastrectomy failed in weight loss
AB013. OP-13 Laparoscopic approach to gastrogastric fistula and enteroenterostomy anastomosis stricture after laparoscopic gastric bypass
AB015. OP15 Comparison of ultrasound findings and laparoscopic views in the evaluation of hepatosteatosis
AB016. OP16 Alternative method for the deployment of endoscopic stents in sleeve gastrectomy leaks
AB017. OP17 Are there any specific HLA alleles related to morbid obesity in Turkish population
AB018. OP18 Malnutrition due to transit bipartition: reversal to sleeve gastrectomy
AB019. OP19 Life threatening complication in bariatric surgery: marginal ulcer perforation
AB020. OP20 Robotic mini gastric bypass: is there any advantages?
AB021. OP21 Obesity and appendicitis: laparoscopy vs. open technique
AB022. PP-1 Rate of trocar site hernia after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
AB023. PP-2 Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy results
AB024. PP-3 Laparoscopic Roux-N-Y gastric by-pass surgery in the treatment of morbid obesity
AB025. PP-4 Cases gastric stenosis after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
AB026. PP-5 Petersen hernia—a rare cause of acute abdomen after laparoscopic gastric by-pass operation
AB027. PP-6 Our treatment experience in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy strictures
AB028. PP-7 Is there a correlation between residual gastric volume and weight loss?—1 year results
AB029. PP-8 Evaluation of patients with revision surgery in the last 9 years
AB030. PP-9 SJIT: jejunoileal transit with pleasant gastrectomy-pilot study
The series “Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery” was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery without any sponsorship or funding. M Mahir OZMEN is serving as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.